Okej, fina vänner som ser detta, hur ger man en länk till sin profil då?^^
tror denna ska funka: https://plus.google.com/100691141431979187717/about
My facebook account isn’t working yet, so now I am now google+ not sure how to give you a link to it?
I think this one will work: https://plus.google.com/100691141431979187717/about
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to update that my personal profile on facebook is disabled. I can’t update any on my page either, that’s why it is lacking updates.
I don’t know for how long this will keep on going, but I am quite disappointed in facebook. I need my mails and contacts there. This inconvenience is so bewildering and really frustrating. At least they can bother to answer my mail.
Yeah. So that’s what is going on.
For newer updates faster! 🙂
This is for all my Swedish followers.
Har sett att en del har översatt min blogg från engelska till svenska, så tänkte höra om folk vill att jag skriver på både sv och eng? Skulle det underlätta mer än google translate kanske? 🙂
glad fortsätt midsommar!
Carl told me today that I was bad at updating here, well, I agree! Funny he is more updated with my blog than I am!
Anyhow, today Emma had an exhibition with some photos I helped retouching while I was assisting her. It was really fun to see them in large prints! The photos will be uploaded on the net tomorrow so I will definately upload them here later on. Buuut, I took some photos at the exhibition of course, here you guys go:
I will be meeting with a photographer tomorrow to see if I can assist him for some weeks. I’ll let you know how it goes!
I am working with another book cover also, taking new photos for this so hopefully the clients will like them. Also there will be an interview about how I sell my photos for book covers that you guys might find interesting.
At the moment I am writing a CV for another photographer. Haven’t been writing one of these before! And I am so bad at writing. wish I could just copy and paste my photos into the letter, would probably show my personality more than with my words…
Oh well, hope you’re having a great evening!
Wow! Such a great feedback from you guys, really fun to see! 🙂
I am heading to Emma’s place now for assisting her on the shoot today. She’ll be shooting for the Danish “Costume”.
Tomorrow I will update with one of your photos, they’re all lovely. It is going to be tough choosing!!
Take care everyone!
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